Curious to see how much money the Jays offer him. Surfing the net yesterday i came across an interesting tid bit of info on the odds to make it to the Show depending on your draft selection.
Your Chances of Reaching the Major Leagues based on your Draft round:
- Round 1: 66%
- Round 2: 49%
- Round 3-5: 32%
- Round 6-10: 20%
- Round 11-20: 11%
- Round 21 +: 7%
- Non Drafted: 4%
- Foreign Players: 7%
Chances of Players Playing at a Particular Level Reaching the Major Leagues:
- Triple A: 73%
- Double A: 33%
- Class A: 15%
- Short-Season A: 9%
Wonder if Jake Eliopoulos and his advisers wish they'd have taken the 560 K the Jays offered him last season now. He went again in the draft to the Dodgers but won't see any where close to that kind of money now. It's been widely reported that his camp tried to randsom out his services to the Jays last year for 1 Million.
The interview made him sound like a cocky punk with a chip on his shoulder. Funny I'd think I'd be more humble if i just got taken by my favorite team.