A Blog about the Inter County Baseball League. One of the oldest baseball leagues in Canada Founded in 1919

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Get involved if you can

Been following the IBL team websites , facebook and twitter pages fairly well this season and the one thing that strikes me is that official scorers appear to be at a premium .

If you live in one of these centers and know how to score a baseball game it might be a great way for you to get involved.

Mississauga is looking for help Thursday nights with scoring and their scoreboard. If you can help contact them via their website or twitter

They also have openings for students looking for volunteer hours which are required for them to graduate.

London is in need of an official scorer as well. Please contact scott@londonmajors.com

Speaking of Facebook, Twitter etc. Most Surprisingly there are two teams in league out of the loop with their fans.

Brantford and Barrie as neither of them have a real face book, or twitter pages.

I'm not surprised in Brantford as they seem to be the only team that isn't planning to use point streak either. They really thrive on being behind the times.

Like it or not, we live in the information age. Today's fan is connected 24 x7 either via a computer, cell phone or other hand held device. You can either embrace these changes or get left behind . The league as a whole needs to get better equipped as well or how else do you plan to tap into new fan bases?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's nuts that the IBL doesnt have a facebook page.

    I know there is the fan group that many of us are in but the league needs an official one to keep fans updated of scores, transactions, news etc.
